防災情報 in 富山|英語

I Understanding Disasters

Nuclear Accidents

A large amount of radioactive material was released as a result of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Radiation is a special hazard that cannot be sensed by any of the five senses, and it is important to know the facts and to fear radiation in the proper way.
In the event of a nuclear disaster, pay attention to disaster information from the local governments, and follow their instructions regarding evacuation.

Radiation's Effect on the Human Body

We are exposed to a variety of naturally occurring radiation in our daily lives, though the radiation level is low and it does not affect our health. However, exposure to high levels of radiation can cause negative health effects such as nausea and a temporary decrease in white blood cells.

Amount of Radiation
Amount of Radiation

In the Event of a Nuclear Accident

Calmly follow the instructions of the disaster management headquarters of your prefecture or city. Obtain correct information from media such as TV or radio. Depending on the situation, you may be instructed to "take shelter indoors" or "evacuate." If you are instructed to stay indoors, turn off air conditioners and ventilation fans, and move away from windows. If you are coming in from outside, wash your face and hands, rinse out your mouth, and change your clothes.