


  • 掲載期間は3カ月間です。
  • 掲示板は(公財)とやま国際センター事務局にも掲載することができます。
  • 掲載内容は当センターが承認したものとし、特定の政治・宗教活動を目的としたもの、特定の個人・団体を中傷するような情報、その他理事長が不適切と判断するものについては掲載をお断りします。
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〒930-0856 富山市牛島新町5-5 インテックビル4階
TEL:076-444-2500  FAX:076-444-2600  EMAIL: tic@tic-toyama.or.jp


タイトル Title

Toyama Town Walk on April 27th

富山街歩き 4月27日

内容 Message

Join us for Toyama Town Walk on Saturday April 27th !


This event will start from JR Toyama Station at 10AM. We will visit Toyama castle, Canal Park, walking along with the Fugan canal to the old town of Iwase and Iwase beach. We will have lunch in Iwase. After strolling in Iwase we will come back to the Canal Park and visit the most beautiful Starbucks in Japan.


主催 Organizer

Koji Kimura

富山 Jalan Jalan Hiking around Toyama

問い合わせ先 Contact Info


Text Message to me 08030443391

タイトル Title

New Hiking Group in Toyama ( 2024.3.13~)

内容 Message

Hi there, my name is Koji from Toyama, Japan. Please let me introduce a new hiking group enjoying beautiful nature and town of Toyama. I moved back to Toyama from Tokyo in 2024. When I was in Tokyo I have attended more than 20 hiking events and hosted more than 10 hiking events around Tokyo on a Meetup group. I want to share a breathtaking experience in the nature and create opportunities to meet new hiking friends. Please join us! To join this group, please search "Jalan Jalan Hiking around Toyama" or "富山 Jalan Jalan Hiking around Toyama" in Google or Meetup.

*This hiking group is NOT a commercial travel company "Jalan" in Japan.

主催 Organizer


問い合わせ先 Contact Info

Search "Jalan Jalan Hiking around Toyama" or "富山 Jalan Jalan Hiking around Toyama" in Google or Meetup.